Style Tips

A common misconception about covering your aurat is that you can't wear most clothes, that you must only wear long sleeve tops and long skirts or baggy pants.

It really depends on your level of modesty, some people like to be strict with their dressing, Alhamdulillah, but for the rest of us who are still not up to that level, there are many ways of wearing what you want but still cover everything except the face and hands.

Tip Number One: Layering

Layering is the most important and versatile step to wearing what you want. If you want to wear a sleeveless dress, or a cute short-sleeved top, or even a racerback jersey top, layering is the key.

One girl that really knows how to layer in style is Arnie of Arnie's Boutique. She can wear anything and everything and still look FABULOUS.

Picture credit to Arnie's Boutique

Even designer Max Azaria is layering his dresses with long sleeves, how cool is that?

Max Azaria creations on the Runway

Our Muslim sisters from around the globe are also ROCKIN' the layers! Note the use of inner long sleeves, jackets (leather jacket too, how cool is that?) and cardigans with dresses and tops that would otherwise show some skin.

Photos courtesy of Hijabs High.

If you're complaining,
"Oh no! Malaysia is too hot for layering!"

"Won't an extra top underneath make me look FAT?"

I have a style tip I would like to share. Instead of a normal long sleeved top underneath, I like to use a cropped cardigan instead. This way, its not warm at all, AND it won't make you look like you have extra pounds. Cropped cardigans are something like this:

Anna Sui


And this one is my personal favourite, I use this kind to layer because its not thick, and is just to be tied under.

From Classy Wardrobe

Tip Number Two: Matching Hijabs

The hijab is undoubtedly the most important part of a Muslimah's outfit. I even know of some girls who pick out their hijabs first, then pick out clothes and skirts/pants that match the hijab!

The hijab itself is a complicated piece of couture, so much so that almost every culture has a different way of wearing it or a specific design of hijab. So, finding the right one to match the outfit you're going to wear might require some planning! Not to mention, picking the right combination of colours to match the overall outfit.

If you're going casual, pick a more laid-back style. Like this:

Picture credit here.

Or, you could just find a hijab to sarung over you head like this, without having to put it together with a brooch or anything:

Picture credit here.

Going to a formal event would transform your hijab altogether. Pick a hijab with more stones or manik on them, or maybe one with sulam. If you've picked a complicated way of wearing, for example like this:

Picture credit here.

Do make sure you've praticed beforehand so that you won't end up frustrated or rushed for time before the event.

Some suggestions for a formal event:

Picture credit here.

Picture credit here.

For most hijabs, you need to wear them with brooches or pins. So choose the correct size/colour/bling of brooches and pins to match your hijab.

Picture credit here.

Picture credit here.

There are many videos on YouTube on different ways of styling your hijab to give you inspiration. Don't forget to check out out hijab style section here!


classywardrobe said...

Hi dear. thanks for featured my tie-cropped cardigan here. really appreciate it :) visit us for modest yet trendy clothing for all women out there.

Arni Yusnita Ahmad said...

Oh GOSH so surprised to see my banner up there lol =P thanks anyway. how to join? just linked you would be fine is it?

The Fashionably Modest Muslim said...

Arnie: Yes dear, that's fine. :) Keep on bringing in the lovely clothes!

Ara said...

i ABSOLUTELY agree with the half-cardigan idea..huhu...

so there's no way a muslimah cannot be vogue, rite? huhu...u juz have to be resourceful and creative.. ;)

luvin' the concept of this blog!

nurul ain said...

i dont think covering your legs with leggings or socks is actually covering aurah cause they are tights..and muslimah should really know the correct way of wearing suppose to cover your hair,neck and chest...its totally not wrong to be fashionable but waht syariah says comes first.

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